Riding along Rhine river was great but now I started riding north and north-east towards the middle of Germany. Today’s route had a fair bit of climbing as it went to where the Danube river starts. The good news is that after today the route will follow Danube and will be mostly downhill.
The Danube river valley is pretty scenic and I hope I will see even more nice scenery tomorrow. The Danube river itself is underwhelming so far.
Yesterday when I planned the route for the day I picked a campground in approximately 70 miles. Today when I got there there was no campground at all. It was just a field of wheat. I rode to a nearby small town of Beuron, hoping that maybe I’ll find a hotel there. But everything was closed there for some reason. Also the cell phone reception was really bad so I could not lookup another nearby campground. After riding around in the town for a while I was able to connect to some free wi-fi and found another campground 6 miles away. That was very fortunate as I did not really want to wild camp.
This is the view at my campground tonight: