The three days heat wave has stated today. I thought of leaving earlier around 6 am but that would mean waking up at 4 am. I decided not to do that and so I left the camping place at 7:20 am.
Yesterday at the campground I’ve met Matt who is riding EuroVelo 6 with his 9 year old son Harry. They are from Canada. Matt writes about their ride at the blog here. They started from the Atlantic ocean a week ago. They ride 70 miles every day. That’s a very impressive daily distance!
Today I caught up with them at around 15th mile and we continued the rest of the ride together. In addition to the high mileage they also ride at a good pace. Harry trains at a cycling club at home and he is a super strong and experienced rider, especially considering that he is only 9 years old!

Today’s ride was a mix of the paved trails along canals and just road riding. I actually prefer the riding on regular roads more because the roads usually pass through small villages and towns which are so interesting to see.
At the end there was a very nice campground near a lake. It was awesome to swim in the lake to cool off!